Who we are

We are a team of change-makers who believe that every helping hand can raise a child and create a better future for them.

PHF is a Christian based none profitable NGO, formed to help God’s people with more focus on vulnerable children and mothers, the orphans, the elderly and HIV victims, who are spiritually, nutritionally, economically, and socially susceptible to lack.

This dream came as a result of the founder preaching the word of God to; prisons, Hospitals, door-to-door and crusades where he realized many people in different communities don’t only need the word of God but also assistance in other spheres of life.

During our dispensation of God’s word to many different communities of Uganda, an analytical study revealed that much as there is some intervention made by government and other organs, more effort is needed towards vulnerability, increasing number of helpless orphans, neglected elderly, HIV victims and witchcraft. The continuous presence of those problems has caused persistent family violence, moral decay, illiteracy, poor health, ignorance and low productivity to which the vulnerable children, teenagers, crippled, HIV victims and elderly are the biggest victims.

We observed that these undesirable conditions exist in communities, God has blessed with great human and natural resources with potential of social, spiritual, nutritional and economic development that is never used due to lack of hope, ignorance and lack of capital. Many rural communities in Uganda have lost hope and have become beggars. This has changed the God given picture of His people (Genesis1:26 “Then God said, let’s make man in our own image…and will subdue…), in relation to community protection mechanisms and the core responsibility of parents.

As mentioned earlier, many government and community programs, towards sustainable community development, child protection, health and nutritional support; the children, the teenagers, HIV victims, the elderly and the orphans in poor communities remain at the highest risk. It is hard to believe that even to this day, malnutrition, child and prisoner torture, defilement, child and elderly neglect, child sacrifice, lack of shelter, Illiteracy, death by preventable diseases,  absence of basic care and clothing are prevailing with several communities in Uganda.

With a helping hand that we at PHF have extended to the vulnerable and less privileged communities with the above problems, we believe that it is possible to restore such communities to the acceptable standards of holistic living through Jesus Christ our Lord.

In summary, PHF was established as a Christian and a not-for-profit non-governmental organization to help vulnerable, orphans, less privileged teenagers, crippled, elderly widows and HIV victims uphold Christian values and bring back lost hope.

With this we say, PRIORITY HOPE FOUNDATION, the friend to the lost hope.

Our approach

Our Mission
Our mission is to empower vulnerable communities affected by poverty, ignorance and disease through access to resources, support and opportunities, fostering sustainable change and a better future
Whether it is a reassuring conversation, financial help, education, professional training, or simply the assurance that they are not alone, we will make sure that everyone gets support that meets them where they’re at as quickly as possible.
Our Vision
Sustained hope that holds back poverty and disease of the vulnerable community

Our entire team desires to see a community where every vulnerable child, crippled, orphan, elderly  widows and HIV victim struggling in any way feels able to reach out and be empowered spiritually, nutritionally, economically, and socially.

Our Purpose

"To specifically target on Christian approach to household health, education, food security and economic development while ensuring that the vulnerable, teenager, crippled, elderly widows have their protection and development put at the core of all our interventions."
Our Partners

Our numbers that speak

We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.
Members Worldwide
0 K+
Children Helped
0 +
Funds Raised
$ 0
Food Provided
0 T